The cost to protect complex regulated industries continues to increase without much improvement


Up to 60 separate networks per user

Segmented networks allow for strong compartmentalized security, but at what cost?


Need to double required O&M staff

The amount of hardware and environment complexity require, on average, double the staff.


Budgets only grow tighter

Security and organizational needs increase each year, without corresponding increases in budget.

Most organizations don’t have the right tools for cross domain security

Proxy Security

Complex environments

Separate desktop endpoints, printers, and other hardware increase costs and maintenance needs.

Admin Control

Manual processes

Moving data and files can require use of risky external media and manual processes require significant time investment.

Traffic Security

Stringent security

Do your current solutions meet A&A and Raise-the-Bar guidelines or common criteria requirements?

Forcepoint is the only COTS developer with Access and Transfer solutions recognized by the US NCDSMO

Reduce hardware and infrastructure costs

  • Lower cost of provisioning additional endpoints (per network) and eliminate duplication of hardware, while enabling simultaneous access to virtualized networks from a range of devices.
  • An example Defense customer has seen $2.5 million in user desktop environment savings *
  • Printer consolidation, for example from 4 printers to 1 per site at 18 sites, resulted in $200K in hardware and related printing cost avoidance.*

*Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study: Trusted Thin Client, Trusted Gateway System, Trusted Print Delivery

Automate processes and reduce complexity

  • With less hardware and external media to manage, operations and maintenance (O&M) staffing levels can remain the same or reduce without impacts to the security posture. An example Defense customer saved $1.3 Million*
  • By automating manual data and file transfer processes, highly skilled personnel can be reassigned, and the organization’s security posture increased. A Defense customer showed a 389% Return on Investment (ROI) equating to a 2-year total benefit of $7 Million.**

*Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study

**Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study: High Speed Guard

Ensure the strongest security profile

  • Forcepoint cross domain solutions allow organizations to centralize servers where data is stored – be that in a datacenter, the cloud or a hybrid of the two
  • Cross domain transfer guards ensure files and data get where they are needed when they are needed without risk of compromise through mistakes or portable media. One Trusted Gateway System customer remarked that they “can’t image what [they] would do without it—it’s just a part of our everyday process, like email.”*
  • Forcepoint’s cross domain solutions are included on the US NCDSMO baseline list for TSABI, SABI, meet NSA’s Raise The Bar guidelines, and are on the CDM Approved Product List (APL)

*Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study

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